Author Archives: Chris Villemarette

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Understanding Damage Recovery in Louisiana Personal Injury Cases

Determining Damage Recovery in Louisiana Personal Injury Cases You’ve probably come across television commercials where individuals claim to have received substantial settlements in their personal injury cases. These ads may leave you wondering if such outcomes are realistic or just exaggerated claims. In reality, no…

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Louisiana Liability Insurance Coverage

Liability Insurance Coverage in Louisiana Louisiana law requires you to carry liability insurance coverage on your car. Your insurance company is obligated to provide you defense and indemnity. Providing you a defense means the insurance company hires a lawyer to defend any lawsuit filed against…

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The Truth About Louisiana Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Louisiana Uninsured Motorist Coverage Uninsured motorist insurance is the most important type of liability insurance you can have on your vehicle. Uninsured motorist/underinsured motorist coverage provides coverage to the operator of the vehicle and the passengers in that car for damages caused by the driver…

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