Lafayette Brain Injury Lawyer

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Lafayette Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

Suffering a brain injury can have profound and long-lasting effects on your life. As the vital center of your central nervous system, any damage to the brain can result in debilitating consequences. Additionally, the specialized care and support required by brain injury patients can pose significant challenges for their families, both emotionally and financially.

If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to someone else’s negligence, you can turn to the law firm of Chris Villemarette, Trial Lawyer. Our dedicated Lafayette personal injury attorney is here to fight for the rights of TBI victims and their families across Louisiana. We will relentlessly pursue maximum compensation on your behalf, addressing your immediate and long-term needs.

Accurate Diagnosis of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can range from mild concussions to severe conditions resulting in permanent disabilities. While car accidents are a common cause of TBIs, serious head or neck injuries can also occur due to falls, trampoline accidents, sports-related incidents, workplace accidents, or even medical malpractice.

Diagnosing the full extent of a brain injury can be challenging in some cases. However, there are several common signs that may indicate a serious brain injury, including:

  • Frequent headaches or debilitating migraines
  • Forgetfulness or absent-minded behavior
  • Slurred speech or language problems
  • Lack of coordination in movement
  • Disorientation or difficulty focusing
  • Confusion or comprehension difficulties
  • Change in personality
  • Abrupt mood swings

Skilled Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Attorney in Louisiana

We will collaborate with knowledgeable neuro-specialists to ensure an accurate diagnosis of your condition. By doing so, we can ensure that all your short-term and long-term needs are accounted for in a final settlement or jury verdict. With Mr. Villemarette’s extensive experience as a trial lawyer in Lafayette, Louisiana, we are fully prepared to pursue maximum compensation for you, including taking your case to trial if necessary.

If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI due to another party’s negligence, do not hesitate to contact our firm at 337-232-3100 to schedule a consultation with our experienced Lafayette brain injury lawyer.

Practice Areas


Family Law

Personal Injury

Criminal Defense
